6 hitting zones

So we try and simplify where to hit. It comes down to 6 different zones.
2 @ Angles
2 @ Corners
1 @ Centre
1 @ Drop Shot
How to mark out your zones?
- Your corner is halfway between the centre line and the side line and half way between the sideline and service line.
- Your angle is halfway between the net and the service line and half way between the sideline and service line.
- Your centre is half way between centre line and side line on both sides.
- Your drop shot is a ball that lands half way between the service line and net on both sides.
Angles can be hard to hit from deep in the court but easy from net.
Centre zone is super important in doubles.
Corners are your main rally ball.
There is a lot of wisdom in just keeping it simple, is the intention to hit a corner or an angle?
Club Coach