How to help a players technique without speaking

Many of us tennis coaches talk too much. Sometimes its enthusiasm, sometimes its the need to feel in control, sometimes its cause we think we should be. To educate, inspire and develop players seems like it should require a lot of talking. And at times talking is good. However sometimes talking just fills a players head with information, without actually helping.
To help without words you have options, here are some:
Demonstrate visually and kinesthetically
Example show the low to high of brushing the ball and then grab the throat of the racquet and guide the players arm to brush the ball, to get the feeling as well as the look. No words required.
Set up a tactic to help the technique
Rotating too much on a serve? Practice serving out wide from the ad side (for R/H)
Hitting a forehand late all the time? Set up cross court angles target practice. Start with drop feeds then go to live ball. No words required.
Taking too big a swing on the volleys? Practice trying to hit the top of the net tape or practice volleying with your back against the fence.
Over the years I have had Japanese students and other non english speaking lessons and it challenges you as a coach to use your other teaching styles to get your message through. Words are required but make those words count. Also get feedback from your student, let the words come from them as well.
Rick Willsmore
Head Coach