‘Big picture’ player development

When teaching a young tennis player, I take the long term view. I will tell them and their parents that our goal is to help develop them into who they will become towards the end of their schooling. This could be a 10 year journey. This way, there are no short cuts, no get better quick schemes and no poor ethical, short term decisions.
Technical and tactical development takes time but just as important is developing resilience and character which helps arm young athletes for their future selves.
So yes use the continental grip not the fry pan grip, now, so you can develop it quicker. Learn how to hit slice angles, drop shots, drive volleys and other fringe shots. Take the time to learn them and develop them but importantly become someone who can play well with others. Then other kids want to play with them and adults want to coach them.
“Try their hardest but be honest enough about their circumstances to not cry foul when it does not go their way.” – Joe Rogan
Rick Willsmore
Head Coach